How can I send an e-card ?
Choose a postcard among the different themes proposed or searching by keywords. Enter your names end emails addresses and those of your correspondent. Fill-in the card with your message and signature. Click "Preview" to see the ecard, and or click "Modify" to modify the message, names or email addresses. To send the ecard, you must enter the security code given at the bottom left of the ecard, and accept the terms of use of this webservice.

Must I sign in to the website parisbynet.com to send an ecard ?
No it is not necessary. You can send an ecard directly.

Can I send an ecard with a delay ?
No. For the moment ecards are sent immediatly.

Can I send an ecard to many correspondents ?
No. For the moment ecards are sent to one correspondent each time.

Is this ecards service free ?
Yes, the e-cards service on parisbynet.com is free. "Paris by Net" doesn't give any warranty to the users about sending and receiving correctly an ecard from the website at any time. The user uses the ecard service proposed by "Paris by Net" at his sole risk, according to the terms of use of the website. Simple use of this service will signify full acceptance of the terms of use of the website.

How are sent the ecards ?
An email is sent to your correspondent, telling him that he has received a postcard from you. He has just to click on the link given in this message to read the ecard online.

How long is it possible to view the ecard online ?
The ecard can be viewed on line during 15 days after they have been sent.

When is the ecard received ?
The ecard is immediatly sent, but the delay can also depend upon the availability of the different mail servers involved, which is not "Paris by Net" responsibility.

Can I modify a posted e-card ?
No. You cannot modify nor cancel ecards you have already posted.

Can I get a copy of the e-card I have posted ?
Yes. Check the option "Send myself a copy" when sending the e-card. You will then receive immediatly on your email address a copy of the link sent to your correspondent.



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  • Sainte Nathalie
  • Dim. 28 Juil. 2024
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  • Sainte Juliette
  • Mer. 31 Juil. 2024
  • Saint Ignace
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  • St Alphonse-Marie
  • Ven. 02 Août 2024
  • St Pierre-Julien
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